Happy 65th Birthday NHS!

Today our friends from the Southampton and South-West Hampshire Trades Union Council held a birthday celebration for the NHS, which turns 65 today.  Long may it continue!  Pictures are below.  For those who want to help protect the NHS from privatisation, please get in touch with Keep Our NHS Public — they have a branch in Southampton and meet regularly to campaign on NHS-related issues.

To follow the activities of the Trades Union Council in Southampton you can check out their Facebook page.  If you wish to become a delegate to the TUC, please contact the UCU office.

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Eric Silverman

Southampton UCU President

Public Meeting on the Climate Emergency

Below is a link to the flyer for a meeting on the current climate emergency, featuring Phil Thornhill from the Campaign Against Climate Change.  The meeting will be held Thursday 22 November at 7.30PM in the Sir James Matthews Building, Itchen Lecture Theature, Above Bar Street.

Any members interested in climate change and environmental advocacy, I urge you to attend.  Local activists including members of the Southampton and South-West Hampshire TUC will be in attendance.



Eric Silverman

Southampton UCU President