The 1st of October, 2012 marked the 10th anniversary of the Fixed Term Regulations 2002. In celebration of these regulations which provide critical rights to staff on fixed-term contracts, Southampton UCU held a birthday party and set up an information stand to tell staff about how these regulations can protect their interests.
Our very own Vice-Chancellor Don Nutbeam stopped by the stand, and cut the cake for us. He expressed support for the general plight of fixed-term staff at the University and noted that he himself is on a fixed-term contract. Not to worry, Vice-Chancellor — we’ll be sure to get you the information and advice you need in order to ensure you’re treated properly!

The Vice-Chancellor (center), together with Joe Viana our Fixed-Term Contract Representative (left), and Southampton UCU President Eric Silverman (right)
Thanks to all our members who helped out with the stand, and to those staff who came by to talk with us about their rights as fixed-term contract staff. If you or any of your colleagues need some information or advice regarding these Regulations, be sure to get them in touch with our office.
For those who are interested, you can find the full text of the Regulations here. DirectGov has an informative summary about the protections in place for fixed-term employees here. Finally, we have prepared a page of useful information for managers of fixed-term staff (which is also useful for fixed-term employees themselves), which is available on this blog post.
Eric Silverman
Southampton UCU President