Invitation to Southampton and Eastleigh Question Time Event

Invitation to Southampton and Eastleigh Question Time

January 20, 2012 at 6:00 pm

Southampton City College 


The University and College Union (UCU) would like to invite you to a special Southampton and Eastleigh Question Time on January 20 2012, which is being organised by UCU and will be chaired by BBC South’s political editor Peter Henley.


A panel of MPs, business leaders and educators will take questions from the audience and discuss how Southampton and Eastleigh can prosper in the current economic climate.   Education, employment, skills, business and opportunities for young people will be some of the key issues debated during the evening


The guest panel will be:


§  Rt Hon Chris Huhne MP – MP for Eastleigh and Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change

§  Rt Hon John Denham MP –  MP for Southampton Itchen and former Secretary of State for Innovation, Universities and Skills

§  Lawrie McMenemy – former manager of Southampton FC

§  Jan Ward – Chief executive of Southampton based Corrotherm International and Southampton & Fareham Chamber of Commerce & Industry

§  Julie Greer – Head Teacher of Cherbourg Primary School, Eastleigh


Audience members are asked to arrive for 6:00pm. The event will begin at 6:15pm promptly and will last for approximately one hour.  Attendees will be given the chance to submit questions for the panel.   There will be a small reception and chance to chat to fellow audience members and panellists after the event.


If you are interested in attending and would like a ticket, or to submit a question, please RSVP to Lisa Johnson at As we only have a limited number of places available tickets will be allocated on a first come first served basis.  PLEASE ALSO NOTE THAT ENTRY TO THIS EVENT IS BY TICKET ONLY.

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