30 November – Picket lines

We would like to remind all members that picket lines are more than just a way to gather in solidarity with like-minded colleagues — they are a statement, a form of direct action, and a means to disseminate information to other interested parties.  Southampton UCU will provide all pickets with leaflets to distribute to passers-by which summarise the current dispute; if you are picketing, please make every effort to distribute these widely.

Prior to the day of action, you may wish to explain to colleagues our reasons for taking action, and why you feel it is important to take part.  Ask them politely for their support, and if they are eligible to be a member, to pick up an application form and join us!

Remember that you may lawfully attempt to convince passers-by or workers in related industries (such as lorry drivers entering University premises, delivery services, or similar) to support us, and to not cross the picket line!  However, you must do so without making an attempt to deliberately obstruct any individual or vehicle which is attempting to cross the picket line.  You also cannot lawfully obstruct any public highway (for example, roads or paths adjacent to the employer’s property).


There are regulations which specify activities that are and are not permissible when joining a picket line during an official dispute.  DirectGov has a webpage which summarises these:




All members should bear these regulations in mind when picketing.

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