Dear members,
A reminder that we are taking industrial action on Thursday 23 January between 11am and 1pm in support of the campaign for Fair Pay in HE. ALL MEMBERS should withdraw their labour between these hours.
We will be gathering at the UCU office at 47 University Road promptly at 11AM. Please join us to show your support for the campaign. We have placards, flyers and other materials for distribution on the day.
As this is a new form of action for us, UCU has prepared a useful FAQ on the website. The document summarises various useful points about this type of action, so please have a read:
We’ve also produced a series of posters and information sheets and would ask that you print these out and display in your department/academic unit.
*Poster 1
*Poster 2
*Leaflet 1:
*Leaflet 2:
On Thursday please do the following:
- Set up an out of office message during the 2 hour strike. Something like this – “I am currently taking industrial action in support ofUCU’s campaign for Fair Pay in HE and not able to deal with your email. I will be back at my desk after the action concludes.”
- Print out the “On strike desk poster” (sent to you by email) and pin on your door/computer/workstation which states that you are currently on strike.
- Come along to the picket lines.
Throughout the upcoming period of action please do the following:
- Talk to students and colleagues about the action and explain why you are taking part.
- If you have ideas for future actions or would like to get more involved, tell us!
- Please distribute our new joint trade union newsletter, Southampton Solidarity (sent to you via email), to your students and colleagues
Further points of clarification:
- Members at Avenue, NOCS and other University sites, please come join us at Highfield! This action should be a good opportunity for us to convene in one place, discuss issues facing staff at the University and plan for our next action.
- Contrary to what you may have heard elsewhere, remember that you are NOT under any obligation to tell your line manager about your decision to participate in the strike action prior to the action itself. You must respond truthfully if and only if you are asked afterward.
Eric Silverman
Southampton UCU President