UCU Union Cities Christmas Party – 14 December

Please Join Us for our UCU Union Cities

 Party and prize-giving!


Date: Wednesday 14 December 2011

Time: 5.30–11pm

Venue: The Studio Café Bar, Nuffield Theatre,

University of Southampton

Highfield Campus, University Road

Southampton, SO17 1TR


Please join us for a drink, a dance, a bite to eat and

find out who has won the £100 Union Cities survey




Free parking on site after 6pm


Free child care places will available in the fully

staffed, university nursery from 6.30–9pm.

Members will get first refusal on places should they

become limited.


To book a place in the crèche please

contact kbrooks@ucu.org.uk


Stay up to date with the union cities project on

Twitter:@unioncitysoton and check out our

Facebook page: http://on.fb.me/uDtBry

Researcher’s Workshop: Great attendance and great feedback!

Southampton UCU held a Researcher’s Workshop today, intended to provide early-career researchers at the University with detailed information about their rights, the national campaigns focusing on researchers and issues related to fixed-term contracts, as well as current local campaigns around these concerns.

The workshop was very well-attended, with 30 researchers from a variety of faculties attending to discuss their rights and their current situations.  Ronnie Kershaw on the UCU National Campaigns Team ran the proceedings, and Andrew Currie from the Regional Office provided detailed and useful background about the national picture.  Dr Stephen Tarling of the University of Southampton Professional Development Unit gave an excellent summary of opportunities available at the University for career development and training.  Eric Silverman, Southampton UCU President, also ran an interactive session in which attendees gave us some very valuable guidance about where we should focus our energies in future negotiation.

Overall the workshop was an excellent, informative afternoon… but we mustn’t stop there!  Southampton UCU still needs your feedback.  What has been your experience of being an early-career researcher?  What problems have you faced in terms of poor management, job insecurity or career development?  How could Southampton UCU help you, and further, would you like the opportunity to get involved more directly in our campaigns on fixed-term contract issues and early-career researchers?

So please, email us and send us your ideas and feedback!  We’re doing our best to take these issues forward, and your input is extremely valuable in making sure that we focus on the right issues and progress in a way that best benefits our membership.